2804 Bush St, San Francisco, CA 94115

Historical Day

California Prince Hall Masons Welcomes England

Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together. Colored masonry in America was established on March 6, 1775, in Boston, by the act of the Irish Military Lodge attached to a British Regiment initiating Prince Hall and fourteen other free colored men. About a year later, when the British evacuated Boston, this army lodge issued a dispensation to Prince ETA to meet as a lodge and to observe certain ceremonies, but not to confer any degrees, as a result African Lodge No.1 was organized. This lodge met under dispensation and possibly under a second one issued by Provincial G.M. Rowe, until 1787. The Revolutionary War in which Prince Hall served prevented the application for a charter to England until 1784. It was promptly granted but not received until 1787 owing to irritating delays. African Lodge No. 459 was not organizer under England Charter until May 6th, 1787. It is the only lodge in America holding a charter from the Mother Grand Lodge of the World. Several freed colored men in New England, New York, and Philadelphia received their degrees from African #459 Lodge and Negro Masonry. The steady growth is attested by its roster and minute books.


In 1849, the Pennsylvania Grand Lodge charted lodges in California under the names of Mt. Olive Branch No.5, Wethington Lodge No.8 and Mosaic Lodge No.1. 38. Through a Consolidation these lodges became Hannibal Lodge No. 1, Victoria Lodge No. 3 chartered in San Francisco and Philomathean Lodge No. 2 chartered in Sacramento, California. Creating the new Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, California.

Phillip A. Buchanan was a member of the National Grand Lodge of Prince Hall Masons when he migrated to San Francisco, California in the 1850. He received a charter from the Philadelphia National Grand Lodge to start Hannibal Lodge No. 1 on the city of San Francisco on Tuesday, June 15, 1952. Phillip A. Buchanan was the first Worshipful Mater of Hannibal Lodge No.1. and served from 1852 to 1854. This is listed in the San Francisco City Directory under the heading Black on page 245. Worshipful Buchanan also became the first Most Worshipful Grand Master of Prince Hall of California in 1855.

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There are a few San Francisco organizations still in operation that can trace their roots back to England dating to 1784. The first lodge chartered in Boston, Massachusetts followed by the second in San Francisco, California. Hannibal Lodge #1, Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons California, Inc. has that history. In 1791 African Lodge #459 name was changed to Prince Hall in his honor, as the person that was responsible for acquiring the charter from England. On Friday,
October 25, 2024, at 8:45 am the Most Worshipful Grand Master for the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Prince Hall State of California, Robert J. Eagle Spirt, Sr welcomed the Most Worshipful Grand Master of England, Jonathan Spence. DL Pro Grand Master. This was the first visit of a Grand Master from England ever to sit in a Prince Hall lodge in the history of the England UK Grand Lodge since issuing the Charter to African Lodge #459 in 1784. Hannibal Lodge #1 was open in ritualistic
form by; Hannibal Lodge #1 Worshipful Master Walter L. Lucas III. Other officers were, SW Bryon Story #3, JW Darrell Stanton #120, Treasurer William Calhoun #1, Secretary Louis Garrett, Sr #1, Chaplin Levell McClain #3, SD Sekou Banks #1, JD Darnell Stanton #7, SS Perry Shelton, Jr. #14, JS Justin Brown #108, Marshal Archie L. Bennet #108, Tyler Brandon Jones #14. Thanks to the numerous lodges for your support in the impressive opening. The gavel of authority and the covenant of the lodge was given to MWGMPH Robert J. Eagle Spirit, Sr. After the comments, the gavel of authority and the coving of the lodge was passed to the PMWGMPH David San Juan to introduce our guest United Grand Lodge of England pro Grand Master Jonathan Spence DL Pro Grand Master. Grand Master Jonathan Spence was given Grand Private Honors. Following his comments, Hannibal Lodge #1 was closed by RWDGM Aaron Washington.

Comments from Jonathan Spence, DL
I was particularly honored to have the Honorary Past Grand Master in your Grand Lodge. It is quite rare for me to hold such a honor as I have usually only been able to accept Honorary Membership in constitutions, so the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of California holds a unique place for me.
It also is unique as the visit to Hannibal Lodge #1 was my first to any Prince Hall Lodge and I shall always remember the experience. I am most grateful to you, MWGM Eagle Spirit, and the members of the Prine Hall Grand Lodge for facilitating our visit at such an early hour on a Friday morning. Pass on my grateful thanks and very best to the Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Hannibal Lodge #1 for ensuring we were made most welcome and for giving us something Adrian and l will always remember.

Following the morning activities, Prince Hall Brethren were invited to the opening of the 175th annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of California. The highlight of the opening was MWGMPL Robert J. Eagle Spirit, Sr introduction of PM Levell McClain#3 and he recited the Prince Hall story. When brother McClain finished his presentation, the audience gave him a long-standing ovation. The day was enjoyed by all. Hannibal Lodge #1 membership
would like to thank all the brothers that made this day complete.